I am blessed to do what I do for a living and like to think that I am changing lives, one client at a time. I also believe that those who can, have a responsibility to give back to their community. The old saying about it takes a village really hits home with me. Giving back to my community allows me to see the world around me through different perspectives and at the end of the day I feel like I get more than I give.
ABLE2 believes in an inclusive community where all people are seen as able, respected, and valued. People with disabilities face many challenges including stigma, accessibility, social isolation, discrimination, and inequity. Our programs and services empower persons of all ages across the disability spectrum and their families to build lives of meaning and joy as valued members of our community.
To find out more, click here: https://www.able2.org
For more than a century, the Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club has been celebrating Canadian heritage, fostering learning and community engagement and providing several student scholarships.
To find out more, click here: https://www.owcc.ca
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, the world's first service club organization (1905), is made up of over 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries. Its members form a global network of business and professional leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. There are nine Rotary clubs in Ottawa
The Rotary Club of West Ottawa, the second Rotary club in Ottawa and presently the largest, was organized in 1957. It is part of Rotary International District 7040, made up of 66 Rotary clubs in Nunavut, Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, and Northern New York State.
To find out more, click here: RCWO Foundation | Rotary Club of West Ottawa
A bilingual and inclusive Council that works to advance the wellbeing of Ottawa's older adults by: Bringing together representatives of older adult groups, community partners, government organizations, the business community, and individuals whose diverse backgrounds, extensive experience and expertise enable our Council to undertake quality strategic thinking on older adult issues
Advocating for and with older adults, making clear recommendations and sharing the results of our work with key community decision makers. Developing and delivering branded older adult educational programs in a variety of formats. Keeping older adults informed about relevant issues, events, news, activities and resources in our community.
To find out more, click here: https://coaottawa.ca